Launch your product in weeks, not months 🍃

Our product studio specializes in launching products in the green sector:
From idea to scaling for thousands of users or solving your internal needs.
We develop at 5x the speed, launching your product within 6-8 weeks.

No Tech Team Needed

Acting as your full-fledged product team, our experts in development, UX, design, and quality management ensure it's not just implemented but delivered with top-notch quality.

Launch 5x Faster

Our approach guarantees your product reaches the market 5x faster, be it a finished product, MVP, or prototype.

Product Development Without the Price Tag

With No-Code, we develop faster and more cost-effectively – typically at a third of the cost of traditional agencies while maintaining quality.

Don't let hiring a tech team slow you down when 
the world needs your solution

GreenTech startups often grapple with the challenge of not having an internal tech team or limited resources. Establishing such a team internally consumes valuable time and financial resources, as does the route through traditional product agencies.

Most GreenTech Startups:

No tech team and limited resources

Time lost in the hiring maze
High personal costs investing in internal developers
Urgent solution development to prove tech to investors
Standard Solution:

Slow development with traditional agencies

Cost-intensive and lengthy development times
Limited understanding of a startup's agility
Rigidity in adapting and developing small features or changes

Trust is the foundation of any business. So make sure you leave a great first impression when a prospect visits your website. Launch a website that looks and works great and set your business apart.

Coming soon...
Client Portals

Emails, documents, tasks: all mangled up inside your inbox. A client portal fixes this by centralising all of the communications you do with client, partners, and suppliers - and makes you look extremely professional.

Coming soon...

The Naviu Advantage

At Naviu, we present a streamlined alternative that ensures not only speed but also a top-notch product that meets your vision and market demands.

Strategic Planning

Collaborate with our experts to outline a strategic plan aligning with your GreenTech goals, ensuring a clear roadmap for development.

Dedicated Team Support

Skip the challenges of hiring and managing an in-house tech team. Benefit from a dedicated team of professionals working seamlessly as an extension of your own.

Agile Development

Swiftly transform your vision into a tangible product using agile methodologies, enabling real-time feedback and adaptability to market needs.

Cost-Efficient Solutions

Optimize costs with our streamlined approach, eliminating the need for an internal team and avoiding the pitfalls of traditional agencies while delivering high-quality development services.

Transform your vision with Naviu

Have your product ready in weeks, onboard users, and create a positive impact. With No-Code and AI, we bring your product to life within weeks – be it an MVP, prototype, or a polished product. This allows you to swiftly onboard users.

Avg. Time
1 week
Project Manager, Product Manager, UX Lead Designer
- Sitemap
- User Stories
- Roadmap with detailed steps towards delivery
- Regular alignment calls
This is when we go over your goals and define the best product strategy to achieve them. We give our opinion on how to achieve your vision, and lay out a clear roadmap.
Avg. Time
1-2 weeks
UX Designer
- Figma file with a visual representation of your product (Low Fidelity and High Fidelity Design)
We’ll design your application on Figma so we can quickly iterate on your feedback. Your opinions will be heard, together with our critical judgment based on years of experience. In the end, it’s your product, and it needs to solve your problems.
Avg. Time
3-6 weeks
Developer, QA Specialist, Product Manager
- First version of a fully functional app
Workflows, navigation, integrations - our engineers put together the app according to spec. We'll also conduct regular QA testing to make sure everything works as expected.
Avg. Time
1 week
QA Specialist, Developer, UX Designer, Product Manager
- Finished application ready to be tested by the users
Once development is completed, we'll do the final QA testing round, to identify any bugs. If there's any that come up, they'll be promptly fixed. You'll get your app bug-free.

We’ve helped hundreds of global companies

Testimonials from some of our amazing customers who are building faster.

"There is no better technology partner than Naviu!  When deciding on such an important partner, there is no easier decision.  Working with Naviu ensured our MVP would come out the gate moving, and Training OS has been transformed by the partnership.  Their ability to bring talented programers, graphical designers, and business experience to our ideas made our concepts materialize with a jumpstart.  I couldn’t imagine doing this without Naviu"

Dr. Jonathan Borgwing
Co-founder at TrainingOS

"Working with Naviu was an excellent experience from start to finish. They helped us fine-tune our MVP strategy and collaborated with us to align feature prioritization. Their team also provided a top-notch UX/UI design and exceptional development work. Their attention to detail, transparent communication and understanding of our needs made the entire process effortless. We are extremely satisfied with the final product and are happy to continue this collaboration for the next iterations"

Konrad Schäfers
Co-founder at Clap

"The approach of Naviu was really programmatic and concise. After a first meeting, we presented TrödelSpende’s needs via a short Loom video and that was enough for Naviu to start working. They quickly presented the first results and got feedback to iterate further. After only 10 days, they delivered an amazing new UI version of our platform, making it way more polished and professional"

Stéphane Piette
CEO at

"Working with was an absolute pleasure. From the very start, they were able to quickly grasp the scope of our project and what we were hoping to achieve. They were able to deliver a final result that exceeded our expectations. We are extremely satisfied with the end result and would highly recommend to anyone looking for a partner who truly cares about delivering outstanding results"

Dr. Nicholas Folger
Co-founder at Weitergründe

"In Naviu, we found more than just an agency; we found a partner. Their commitment and dedication to understand our needs and translate it into a professional looking and user-friendly application was exactly what we needed. In the end, the feedback from our users is great and we couldn't be happier with the end result. We look forward to continue this collaboration in the future"

Jules Ratier
CEO at

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.

How scalable can my no-code application be?

When do you recommend to use code and when no-code?

How do you help us in terms of the product itself?

What's the tech stack you use?

What if I need to rebuild my product with code?

Ready to launch your new project?

Book a call with us